Monday, October 30, 2006


Can we find another ODP leader? please

I agree that the ODP is in serious need for overhaul...
take a look at the primaries, they backed several candidates and those without funding won
running against the party.

The party today is made up of former insiders who want like the present republican congressmen to run their officers for their personal fiefdoms.

I have much experience in this state and its true; time for change in Ohio and we can once again truly create a majority party that is both respected and not something of a political momentary reaction to the present republican meltdown


richard olivito said...


A comment on Civil Rights and Stephanie Tubbs Jones

Warren: A History of Police Brutality Part I

STJ has a great record of a seroius black leader in Cleveland.

she has her distractors and her followers and supporters.

she is perceived in D.C. as a strong spokesperson for civil rights

Perhaps, indeed she is and she's a loyal voter for the dems

But there is a narrative of persons in struggle that came to her attention in the summer of 2003

These persons were directed to her Washington Office by major players in D.C. and their stories involved some of the most brutal ivil rights abuses of any current local government's pattern and practices ever committed in North East Ohio's history

and STJ yawned

Worse, she completely dissed the effort to get anything done in D.C. for the same

I know. I was their lawyer and advocate

but perhaps she was busy and could not get into the suffering of the small

perhaps she was too busy telling us locals of her 'tough on crime' credentials one more time while preaching liberal morality and her liberal preps to those watching cspan

there's much more to this story

check out 2/24/04
"blue mob" cover story for more

Part II

How Do Liberals Miss the Opportunity to Be Consistent?

See next posting

richard olivito said...

amend ivil to civil

my typo